
SpeakerScore is your tool for creating events.

No matter if you are a Public Speaker or an Eventplanner, we are here to help you plan those events.

We want to make your work life easier

It is our goal to gather all your work processes on SpeakerScore when it comes to planning an event. We also want SpeakerScore to be a gathering platform for all participants: Public Speakers, Eventplanners and the Audience. We will reach this by trying to meet the needs of all parties before, during and after an event.

No more expensive agencies: We have the toolbox for you

It is our opinion that the agencies take too big a piece of the pie. Therefore, we want to give you a toolbox to navigate the processes an agency usually takes care of for you – ABSOLUTELY free.

We want to accommodate those of you who might not work as either Public Speakers or Eventplanners as a living, by giving you a platform and toolbox to make your work with events easier.