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Collaborations on events

Invite speakers or organizers

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Get feedback

Great comparable feedback survey

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Mailchimp integration

Easy transfer of email adresses

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Create organizer profile

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public speaker profile

Create public speaker profile

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Get booked

Get booked

Get booked with your public profile

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Share your slides

Easy sharing of files with your audience

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SpeakerScore! I’m a big fan

I can use the feedback I received from my contestants to catch the next job. I can also use the feedback to improve my self and the product I offer. SpeakerScore! I’m a big fan.
SpeakerScore adds value to my product as a public speaker and creator of workshops.

- Bjarke Rosenbeck, Digital atlet

Simplicity and ease

The best thing about SpeakerScore is the simplicity and ease both for the speakers to create the feedback page and for participants to quickly share their feedback.

- Mihir Shah, Advisor, consultant and trainer in IB

Beautiful, user-friendly platform

Personally, I am a part of several speaker bureaus, and I am very, very pleased with the collaboration with SpeakerScore, which has been a true pleasure for me. It is a beautiful, user-friendly platform, and the staff is incredibly helpful. They not only respond quickly to assist, but also actively share your posts, which helps to promote both yourself and the platform.

- Osama Salame, Storyteller and founder of

Amazing experience

As a speaker, marketer and author, I know that the value of personal branding and the power of getting reviews as social proof. Reviews make potential customers feel safer, which is why I love SpeakerScore. I can add photos of my events, get feedback from my delegates, and create a page for prospective clients to visit my profile. It puts me in control of my brand and is accessible to my target market. Thank you for an amazing experience.

- Kim Vermaak, Mindset Whisperer | Author , Coach and Speaker