Tamas Bartok

SpeakerScore Profile
Senior Solution Architect

Pragmatic Solution Architect, open to share experience around solution architecture design and review in cloud, API and CIAM technology areas.

event information

SpeakerScore Professional Profile
Price: Not specified
duration: Not specified
Location: Not specified

images from events

contact Tamas Bartok

Contact Tamas Bartok via the form here, and Tamas Bartok will get back to you as soon as possible. It is free. You are not obliged to use the offer you receive.

event calendar

Previous events

Nov 30, 2016

A REST kétszer fárad

SzegedTech Meetup. Talk discusses API Management and API mocking techniques.

A REST kétszer fárad



Jul 6, 2010

Vehicle Routing with Multidimensional Loading Constraints

Talk about a novel approach and algorithms for a new Vehicle Routing model

Vehicle Routing with Multidimensional Loading Constraints


MTA (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)

Jun 6, 2009

Vehicle Route Planning with transporting constraints

XXVIII. Conference of the Hungarian Operation Research Society, the talk introduced a common generalisation of TSP and LOP and its usage for Vehicle Route planning.

Vehicle Route Planning with transporting constraints


MOT (Hungarian Operations Research Society)

Dec 15, 2008

A mixed multidimensional bin packing problem

Veszprém Optimization Conference Advanced Algorithms (VOCAL), Talk covers a version of the well-known bin packing problem that besides 3D packing contraints has another dimensional parameter as restriction.

A mixed multidimensional bin packing problem


VOCAL organising committee